In order to be completely confident that your pet is properly taken care of and the money you leave for its care is used exactly as intended, ask me to to help you create a pet trust. READ MORE
Monthly Archives:: September 2019
The Real Cost To Your Family: Not Updating Your Estate Plan
This is the final article in a series discussing the real costs to your family for failed estate planning. This article continues the discussion of the most common and costly planning mistakes encountered. Here, I discuss how not updating your estate plan will likely result in a failed estate plan. READ MORE
The Real Cost To Your Family: Relying On A Will Alone
This is the third post on the discussion of the true costs and consequences of failed estate planning. The series highlights a few of the most common—and costly—planning mistakes we encounter with clients. This article discusses why having a will alone may result in your family suffering by having to go to court when you are gone. READ MORE