Monthly Archives:: June 2024

Severing Joint Ownership of Property

Joint tenancy with rights of survivorship (JTWROS) is a common form of property ownership in the United States, offering an undivided right to enjoy the property and a seamless transfer to the surviving joint tenant upon death. While this method is attractive for its simplicity and low cost, it can lead to unintended legal consequences. Explore the benefits and potential pitfalls of JTWROS, and learn about the various methods for severing joint tenancy when necessary. Ensure your estate planning aligns with your wishes by consulting an experienced attorney. READ MORE

The Surprising Connection Between Men’s Health and Estate Planning

Did you know that your physical health can have a profound impact on your estate planning? As we mark Men’s Health Month, let’s explore how good health extends beyond just longevity and quality of life—it’s also crucial for setting up a robust estate plan. A strong estate plan ensures your wishes are respected throughout your life and even after, making it as important as your physical well-being. READ MORE

How to Talk to Mom and Dad about Creating an Estate Plan

Conversations about death and dying can be uncomfortable, but they’re essential for ensuring your parents’ wishes are honored. This blog explores the importance of discussing estate planning with your parents, offering practical tips on how to approach the topic. Learn how to navigate these sensitive conversations, involve all necessary parties, and review existing plans to build a solid foundation for your family’s future. Don’t wait – take steps now to secure your parents’ legacy and provide peace of mind for everyone involved. READ MORE

They’re Not Kids Anymore! Navigating Your Child’s Transition Into Adulthood

When your child turns 18, they’re legally considered an adult, even though they still have a lot more growing to do (though they might not think so!). Just like any other adult, their health and financial information is protected by privacy laws. But you can still step in and help them if you and your child plan ahead. In our latest blog, we share three essential strategies to help you and your child navigate this important transition: education, communication, and legal planning. Learn how to support your newly-minted adult through this critical phase and ensure you’re able to step in if needed. READ MORE

What If No One Wants My Stuff?

When creating an estate plan, a critical question arises: Who will get your belongings when you pass on? While major assets like homes and retirement accounts often get attention, personal items such as jewelry, clothing, and sports equipment can be overlooked. What happens if your loved ones don’t want these items? This article explores how to handle personal property in your estate plan, covering wills, trusts, and various methods to distribute or dispose of unwanted items, ensuring your wishes are honored and your loved ones are spared unnecessary burdens. Discover practical solutions and the importance of a comprehensive estate plan to protect your legacy. READ MORE

Father Knows Best: Avoiding Common Estate Planning Pitfalls

As a father, you’ve always strived to provide the best for your family, ensuring their well-being and securing their future. From the moment you first held your child, you committed to protecting them, guiding them, and supporting their growth and happiness. Your dedication is unwavering, and your love knows no bounds.

However, even the most well-intentioned plans can falter if you overlook the complexities of estate planning. It’s not just about having a will or a few financial arrangements in place; it’s about understanding the intricate details and potential challenges that can arise. Without a thorough and well-thought-out estate plan, your assets might not be distributed according to your wishes, and your family could face unnecessary legal battles and financial hardships. READ MORE

My Loved One Has Died: As an Heir or Beneficiary, Do I Need an Attorney?

You just found out that your favorite aunt has died. In the midst of your grief and sadness, you receive a notice from the attorney handling your aunt’s affairs stating that you are a beneficiary. Your best friend advises you to get an attorney. What should you do? Will your aunt’s attorney help you? After all, the attorney has been helping your family for years. Since this attorney knows your aunt and the family affairs, shouldn’t her attorney be able to help you as well? READ MORE

Protecting Your LGBTQIA+ Family: A Pride Month Guide to Estate Planning for Non-Biological Parents

This Pride Month, take the time to safeguard your family’s future by putting the proper legal protections in place for yourself and the people you love. You worked hard to build this life – don’t let lack of planning put it all at risk. In this article, I’ll address some key actions to take so you’re empowered to advocate for your rights as an LGBTQIA+ non-biological parent.  READ MORE

Including Noncitizens in Your Estate Planning

With our society becoming increasingly mobile and international travel becoming more affordable than ever before, families and family-like relationships have steadily grown far more diverse in terms of citizenship. It is no longer uncommon for spouses from different countries to retain citizenship in their native countries. Many couples split their time between the United States and another country to be near their families and enjoy the many benefits of such a lifestyle. In addition, it is not uncommon for a couple’s children or other loved ones to move away from their country of origin and take up permanent residence abroad, or even renounce their home country citizenship, depending on their choices of careers or domestic partners or other considerations. READ MORE